{ "jsonapi": { "version": "1.0" }, "links": { "self": "https://www.invested.ph/news/invested-hailed-among-9-most-impactful-women-led-businesses-by-cartier-womens-initiative" }, "data": { "type": "news", "id": "/invested-hailed-among-9-most-impactful-women-led-businesses-by-cartier-womens-initiative", "attributes": { "slug": "invested-hailed-among-9-most-impactful-women-led-businesses-by-cartier-womens-initiative", "title": "InvestEd hailed among 9 most impactful women-led businesses by Cartier Women's Initiative", "summary": "Filipino impact business InvestEd has yet again received global nod after its CEO and co-founder, Carmina Bayombong, was named by the Cartier Women's Initiative (CWI) among its nine \u201cImpact Awardees.\u201d", "hash": "65ce3963", "date": "2022-01-27T00:00:00+00:00", "author": "invested", "image": { "url": "https://www.invested.ph/2022/cartier-womens-initiative/cover.jpg" }, "state": [], "metadata": { "og:type": "article", "og:title": "InvestEd hailed among 9 most impactful women-led businesses by Cartier Women's Initiative", "og:image": "https://www.invested.ph/2022/cartier-womens-initiative/cover.jpg", "og:description": "Filipino impact business InvestEd has yet again received global nod after its CEO and co-founder, Carmina Bayombong, was named by the Cartier Women's Initiative (CWI) among its nine \u201cImpact Awardees.\u201d", "description": "Filipino impact business InvestEd has yet again received global nod after its CEO and co-founder, Carmina Bayombong, was named by the Cartier Women's Initiative (CWI) among its nine \u201cImpact Awardees.\u201d", "og:locale": "en-GB" }, "direction": "auto", "language": "en-GB", "tags": [ "awards" ], "folder": "/news/2022", "year": "2022", "month": "01", "day": "27", "content": { "body": "\u003Cp\u003EFilipino impact business InvestEd has yet again received global nod after its CEO and co-founder, Carmina Bayombong, \nwas named by the Cartier Women's Initiative (CWI) among its nine \u201cImpact Awardees.\u201d\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EIn an announcement on January 25, CWI said the awardees were chosen \u201cfor the extraordinary impact that their businesses \nhave achieved over the years.\u201d CWI described them as \u201cbold entrepreneurs who are leveraging business to protect the \nEarth's environment, raise the livelihood of their communities, and create opportunities for a better future.\u201d\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EBayombong received the recognition under the category \u201cCreating Opportunities,\u201d along with Carol Chyau from China and \nFariel Slahuddin from Pakistan.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EMeanwhile, Joanne Howarth from Australia, Lorna Rutto from Kenya, Charlotte Wang from China received the award for the \ncategory \u201cPreserving the Planet.\u201d Rasha Rady from Egypt, Nneka Mobisson from South Africa, and Temie Giwa Tubosun from \nNigeria were recognized for \u201cImproving Lives.\u201d The categories were based on the United Nations Sustainable Development \nGoals.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003ECWI will announce the top three awardees on March 6 during the Impact Awards Ceremony in Dubai. First-place winner will \nreceive $100,000, while the second-place and third-place winners will bring home $60,000 and $30,000, respectively. \nCWI said it will also provide the awardees with human capital support, international exposure, and media visibility.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EThe awards were given in celebration of CWI's 15th anniversary. In 2019, CWI named Bayombong as South Asia and Oceanian \nlaureate.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Ch2\u003EAbout InvestEd Philippines\u003C/h2\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EInvested envisions a world where every young dreamer has no barriers to success. Its high tech, high touch program \nprovides under-resourced youth with capital for education, life skills coaching, and a supportive community. A globally \nawarded impact business, InvestEd has helped thousands of low-income Filipino youth increase their income and navigate \nsuccess in a fast changing world. To date, InvestEd has raised funds amounting to over P125 million.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Ch2\u003EAbout Cartier Women's Initiative\u003C/h2\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EThe Cartier Women's Initiative is an annual international entrepreneurship program that aims to drive change by empowering \nwomen impact entrepreneurs. Founded in 2006, the program is open to women-run and women-owned businesses from any country \nand sector that aim to have a strong and sustainable social and/or environmental impact.\u003C/p\u003E\n", "type": "text/html" } }, "links": { "html": "https://www.invested.ph/news/invested-hailed-among-9-most-impactful-women-led-businesses-by-cartier-womens-initiative", "self": "https://www.invested.ph/news/invested-hailed-among-9-most-impactful-women-led-businesses-by-cartier-womens-initiative.json", "json": "https://www.invested.ph/news/invested-hailed-among-9-most-impactful-women-led-businesses-by-cartier-womens-initiative.json" } } }